Longing for the Future


Besides scientific publications the research team around 'Longing for the Future' and 'Construire son Avenir' also publishes texts and gives lectures for a broader public. The exhibition catalogue to 'Was Werden Wird' may serve as an example as it also includes written reflections and insights - it can be bought at the Museum der Kulturen Basel or on commission, please use the contact form.

Enclosed some other hints on publications, talks or presentations.

Dealing with elusive futures. University graduates in urban Africa

Edited by Steuer, N., Engeler, M. & E. Macamo (2017)

The time to come – as well as the exploration thereof – remains elusive for social actors and social scientists alike. The contributors accept the challenge to depict young men and women's future-creating activities in urban contexts of sub-Saharan Africa. Very consciously, they study young graduates having obtained a university degree and provide a vivid picture of their strategies to socially grow older by doing adulthood in contexts of great uncertainty. The examples include Burkina Faso, Guinea, Ethiopia, Mali and Tanzania, visually enriched through pictures taken by young Malian photographers.

Published by transcript.

Constructing the future. Hope and «la chance» amongst university graduates in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Bamako, Mali

By Birzle, Maike & Susann Ludwig (2015)

Abstract: The end of university studies always coincides with decisions and uncertainties about what is going to happen next. Having just experienced this ourselves, we had the chance to participate in the project «Construire son Avenir – self-concepts and life course construction among university graduates in Mali and Burkina Faso» located at the Centre for African Studies in Basel. This project aims to describe the life world experiences of young university graduates who are affected by uncertainty, and to find out how individuals act in order to be able to act (Macamo 2008). Both anthropology PhD-projects described here are situated within this framework. Maike Birzle is following Burkinabé graduates and their notion of hope, while Susann Ludwig immersed herself in the Malian context and traces «la chance» amongst young academics. The objective of both studies is to contribute to the broader field of risk and uncertainty studies as well as to research in social sciences on time, future and life-courses.

Published in Tsantsa 20/2015.

Was Werden Wird / Longing for the Future / Construire son Avenir.

Erwachsen werden in Zürich, Ouagadougou und Bamako / Coming of age in Zurich, Ouagadougou and Bamako / Devenir adulte à Zurich, Ouagadougou et Bamako

By Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Birzle, Maike; Ludwig, Susann (2016)

The communication project 'Longing for the Future' draws on ethnographic data and research results originating from 'Construire son Avenir', a socio-anthropological research project located at the Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel. 'Construire son Avenir' explors career trajectories and self-conceptions of young graduates from Mali and Burkina Faso by a biographic approach. Extracts of these life trajectories serve as source of inspiration for various artistic encounters and reflections in the context of 'Longing for the Future'. Thus, within 'Longing for the Future' young photographers in Mali and Switzerland as well as theatre groups and directors of Burkina Faso, Switzerland and Germany reflect on the data and insights from the scientific research.

This exhibition catalouge provides insights into this creative exchange and includes biographic narratives and both textual as well as visual reflections on the topic.

If you wish to buy our exhibition catalouge, please write us via the contact form.